Call for applications for the 2025 IIS Award

The Israel Immunological Society establishes a new competitive Award of 5,000 NIS to an IIS member who has made in the past 2 years a major research achievement in the field of Immunology. This Award will be given based on an exceptional research paper published in a high-impact peer-reviewed journal, and aims to highlight a specific breakthrough, discovery or development with a major impact on basic and/or translational aspects of immunology.

The IIS Board invites its members to send their applications for this 2025 IIS Award until Febreary 3, 2025. The award will be given at the upcoming Annual IIS conference, on March 6, 2025, in Tel Aviv. The awardee is also expected to present the findings as a Keynote Lecturer at this meeting.


o   The Award candidate must hold a Principal Investigator position in one of the Israeli universities, research centers or affiliated biotech companies or medical centers.

o   The Award will recognize one specific research paper published between January 1,  2022 – February 3, 2025.

o   The applicant must be available to present the findings in person at the Annual IIS conference on March 6, 2025, in Tel Aviv.


Submission Guidelines. Each application must include the following:

1.     A brief impact statement describing the importance and novelty of the findings, insights, and research progress to the research community and to the field of immunology (up to 200 words).

2.     The presented research paper describing the finding, discovery or development.

3.     A Biosketch with brief CV + short list of major relevant publications (1-2 pages).

The 3 documents should be combined into one PDF file named: 2025IIS _PI name.pdf

Please send the PDF Award application file (IIS2025_PI name.pdf) to the Conference Secretariat, by email: .

Indicate in the subject line of your mail: IIS 2025 Award Application

Submission Deadline: February 3, 2025



On behalf of IIS: President: Prof. Roi Gazit, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Treasurer/VP: Prof. Vered Padler-Karavani, Tel-Aviv University; Secretary: Prof Michael Berger, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Board Members: Prof. Amiram Ariel, Haifa University; Prof. Mira Barda-Saad, Bar-Ilan University; Dr. Lior Carmon, Biopharma Investment and Management; Prof. Zvi Fishelson, Tel-Aviv University; Prof. Ofer Mandelboim, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Prof. Doron Melamed, The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology; Prof. Angel Porgador, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Prof. Idit Shachar, Weizmann Institute of Science

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