With the submission of an abstract to the IIS 2025 Meeting, the corresponding author (presenting author):
- Accepts responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted abstract.
- Confirms that all authors are aware of and agree to the content of the abstract and support the data presented.
- Declares any financial interest in products or processes described in the abstract. This information will be forwarded to the Scientific Committee together with the abstract.
- States that, for studies involving human or animal subjects, permission has been obtained from the relevant regulatory authority, and properly informed consent is given where appropriate.
- Permits to publishing the abstract, when selected for presentation, in the conference proceedings.
- Encore abstracts will be accepted.
- Submitted abstracts cannot be withdrawn after January 31, 2025.
- The decision regarding inclusion in the program and the type of presentation will be decided by the Scientific Program Committee.
To be considered, an abstract should respect the following guidelines:
- The abstract must be submitted in good English. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject those abstracts presented in poor English or request an immediate revision by the presenter.
- Abstract titles should not exceed 25 words and should reflect the content of the abstract; Abstract text limited to 350 words.
- Commercial names may not be used in the abstract title.
- No more than 10 authors can be listed. Only institutional affiliations, cities, and countries should follow.
- Abstracts should be organized under the headings: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and discussion, Conclusions
- Figures, photographs, supplementary data, or appendices are not part of the abstract
- Abbreviations may be used if standard or if spelled out and defined at the first use
- Abstracts on "trials in progress" can be submitted and will be considered for oral or poster presentation as long as they contain at least some preliminary and presentable results.
- The Scientific Program Committee will decide regarding inclusion in the program and the type of presentation.
For questions regarding the online submission process, please get in touch with the conference secretariat
Submitting author will receive a confirmation/abstract number by e-mail from the conference secretariat. The Scientific Committee will make the selection of abstracts for oral and poster presentations by February 13, 2025.
The corresponding author (presenter) will be notified regarding the result of the review and the Scientific Committee's decision on the abstract.
If a selected author cannot attend, the presenting author should assign a replacement.
The following presentation formats are applicable for the IIS 2025 Meeting:
- Flash talks: Presentations are displayed in a designated time during the conference sessions.
- Poster presentation: Presentations are displayed in poster format, grouped by topics, and introduced by the presenting author during designated Poster Sessions.
Abstracts must be submitted online by Sunday, January 29, 2025, via the conference website.
Please follow the instructions on the screen to submit your abstract.
If you do not receive any confirmation within 48 hours, please get in touch with the Conference Secretariat within one week following the submission of the abstract.
Submitting an abstract for the IIS 2025 Meeting does not constitute registration for the conference. Abstract presenters must register to attend the Meeting by following the instructions for registration on the website.
For questions regarding the online submission process contact the Conference Secretariat.
Only abstracts submitted online can be accepted. Abstracts submitted on paper or by return e-mail attachment will not be considered.