
We congratulate the Poster Authors Submitters.

Way to go! Above 50 valuable Posters giving you a wide and extensive view of research in the NLP and Networks fields.

Please find the list of Posters by Poster #, Presenter Name, Affiliation and Title. Below that are the Guidelines for Poster Presentation.

Poster Presentation Guidelines

 The posters will be viewed during the coffee breaks. Poster presenters are requested to stand by the poster during this time to address questions.

• Posters should be legible from a distance of 1-2 meters.

• Poster presenters are kindly requested to print their poster. The recommended size of a poster should be 85 cm wide X 160 cm high (Portrait):

• Authors are responsible for mounting their posters starting at 7:00 am and removing them at the end of the day. Please complete the poster mount by 09:00 AM. We would welcome you to stay and present your poster also during the happy hour.

• Please use the poster board that bears the number of your presentation as listed in the program.

• Putting up and removing the poster is the responsibility of the presenter only.