iiSIAR Forum Poznan 2024 Gallery



It is our pleasure to invite you to the 1st EFIS Forum on Innate Immunity in Sterile Inflammation, Autoimmunity, and their Resolution, which will be held on June 24-26, 2024, in Poznan, Poland.

Innate Immune cells and mediators are essential effectors in long-lasting pathologies, such as autoimmunity, metabolic disorders, vascular diseases and cancer, as well as normal physiological processes like wound repair and resolution of inflammation. In recent years, it has become evident that innate myeloid and lymphoid cells also play key roles in maintaining homeostasis of the host and that their development and tissue-specific properties are more intricate than initially appreciated.

The EFIS Study Group on Innate Immunity in Sterile Inflammation, Autoimmunity and their Resolution (iiSIAR) will inaugurate its PI meetings in the 1st Forum to be held in Poznan. This gathering aims to form a European network of innate immunologists working on sterile inflammation, autoimmunity and cancer that will maximize the use of resources, exchange research ideas, train young scientists as experts in innate inflammation and its resolution, initiate collaborative research, enhance translatability of innovative science, and establish large research groups that will apply for funding by the European Union.

The program will comprise oral presentations and will foresee ample time for social interactions and the exchange of data and ideas. The major Topics covered by the 1st forum will be:

  • Novel Effectors in Innate Immune Cells
  • Innate immunity in sterile inflammation
  • Innate immunity in autoimmunity
  • Innate immunity in the resolution of immune and tissue responses

Abstract submission is open for independent group leaders, while registration is also open for students and postdoctoral trainees. Oral presentations will be selected by the organizing committee. Presentation of unpublished results will be highly appreciated.

Please note that attendance will be limited to 200 seats, so early registration is encouraged.

We trust you will share our excitement about the exceptional scientific opportunity and venue. We cordially invite you to this unique conference and look forward to greeting you in Poznan.

Please see this as a personal invitation to join the iiSIAR community and enjoy cutting-edge biomedical science in a friendly environment.

The organizing committee:

Prof. Maciej Kurpisz (Poland)

Prof. Amiram Ariel (Israel)

Prof. Jo Van Ginderachter (Belgium)

Prof. Sylvaine You (France)

Prof. Ari Waisman (Germany)

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The EFIS Study Group on innate immunity in Sterile Inflammation, Autoimmunity, and their Resolution will hold a virtual seminar series and other activities. To join our mailing list and get notices about these activities, please click here to add your details.

pl. Władysława Andersa 1

Poznań 60-898


24-26 Jun, 2025

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