Topics, Language
- Neuromodulation and internal states
- Sensory and motor processing
- Mechanisms of Neurological diseases
- Social Behavior
- Fish Models
- Glial Cells
- Pharmacology and Connectomics
- Novel tools and technologies
- Cognition and Learning
- Neurodevelopment
Size, Content
Review, Registration
IMPORTANT! During the presentation there will be a timer informing about the remaining time for presentation.
Important note for Macintosh users:
In order to use MAC presentations on a PC compatible computer, please note the following instructions while preparing your presentation prior its uploading in the Speaker Preview Room, to avoid last minute problems of incompatibility:
Poster presenters should refer to the final program (at the conference) and note the date and number of their presentation. Please use the poster board that bears the number of your presentation as listed in the program.
Putting up and removing the poster is the responsibility of the presenter only.
Poster presenters should refer to the final program (at the conference) and note the date and number of their presentation. Please use the poster board that bears the number of your presentation as listed in the program.
Putting up and removing the poster is the responsibility of the presenter only.