Abstract Submission Guidelines


  • Abstracts have to be submitted exclusively online.
  • Abstract submitters must register for the meeting prior to submitting an abstract. 
  • Authors can submit their abstracts for oral or poster presentation.
  • Submitted abstracts can only be modified prior to the submission deadline.
  • The presenting author must be listed first and must be the author that submits the abstract.
  • PI and a single graduate student/post doctoral from the same lab should register and submit an abstract (all participants should submit an abstract and will present either an oral or a poster presentation). 

Topics, Language

  • Each contribution must relate to below topics:

- Neuromodulation and internal states
- Sensory and motor processing
- Mechanisms of Neurological diseases
- Social Behavior
- Fish Models
- Glial Cells
- Pharmacology and Connectomics
- Novel tools and technologies
- Cognition and Learning
- Neurodevelopment

    • Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English

    Size, Content

    • The abstract is limited to 200 words including spaces.
    • The title should be written in standard sentence style with lower case letters (except first word, names, etc.).
    • Special characters can be included during submission.
    • Non-standard abbreviations must be defined in the text.

    Review, Registration

    • All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by several international experts.
    • Evaluation criteria are: Aim(s) and objective(s), materials and methodology, results and conclusions.
    • All abstracts will be accepted to either oral or poster presentation.  

    Oral Presentation Guidelines

    IMPORTANT! During the presentation there will be a timer informing about the remaining time for presentation.

    • Oral lectures should not exceed 10 minutes including time for discussion unless stated otherwise. 
    • All lectures should be presented in English.
    • Presentations should be in 16:9 ratio and Movies should be in WMV/ MP4 format.
    • PPT must be of 15 slides maximum:
    • First slide – Lecture’ title, Second slide – Statement Conflict of Interest, and 13 slides with content.
    • Lecture halls will be equipped with projector, screen and computer compatible with at least Windows 7 and Office 2015.

    Important note for Macintosh users:

    In order to use MAC presentations on a PC compatible computer, please note the following instructions while preparing your presentation prior its uploading in the Speaker Preview Room, to avoid last minute problems of incompatibility:

    • Use a common font, such as Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana etc. (special fonts might be changed to a default font on a PowerPoint based PC).
    • Insert pictures as JPG files (and not TIF, PNG or PICT – these images will not be visible on a PowerPoint based PC).
    • Use a common movie format, such as AVI, MPG and WMV (MOV files from QuickTime will not be visible on a PowerPoint based PC).

    Poster Presentation Guidelines

    • Poster presenters are requested to stand by the poster during this time to address questions.
    • Posters should be legible from a distance of 1-2 meters. 
    • Poster presenters are kindly requested to print their poster. 
    • The recommended size of a poster should be 85 cm wide X 160 cm high (Portrait) . 
    • Poster presenters should refer to the final program (at the conference) and note the date and number of their presentation.
    • Please use the poster board that bears the number of your presentation as listed in the program.
    • Putting up and removing the poster is the responsibility of the presenter only.



    Poster presenters should refer to the final program (at the conference) and note the date and number of their presentation. Please use the poster board that bears the number of your presentation as listed in the program.
    Putting up and removing the poster is the responsibility of the presenter only.

    Poster presenters should refer to the final program (at the conference) and note the date and number of their presentation. Please use the poster board that bears the number of your presentation as listed in the program.
    Putting up and removing the poster is the responsibility of the presenter only.